Aids Concern
AIDS Concern has been struggling to maintain daily operations and fund-raising work in the devastating aftermath of COVID-19. Under social distancing, we had our 30th anniversary events postponed, workshops called off and HIV testing services suspended. With uncertainties ahead, we need your support to get back on track and reboot our work for people living with HIV and communities with higher risk of HIV.

AIDS Foundation
COVID-19 has adversely affected the work of Hong Kong AIDS Foundation, including without limitation to the critical services for People living with HIV (i.e. counselling, workshops of mutual support, empowerment; and activities of home visit and outpatient escort, etc.); HIV prevention & sex education, and major fundraisers (i.e. street fundraising session of regional flag day in June has been cancelled).

Asian Charity Services
ACS continues to equip the NGOs with our capacity building programmes to help the social sector navigate in this challenging season. Our hi-touch, volunteer facilitated, face to face delivery has gone online breaking through the physical distance. Our commitment to the community hasn’t been stopped by the headwinds of social distancing. This was only possible with extra resources and commitment from the broader community. Support us to “serve those who serve”.

Branches of Hope
Asylum seekers’s food budget is HKD 40/day. Having no right to work and not qualified for the COVID-19 relief measures, they depend on donations from NGOs. Branches of Hope has been giving out 3,500 masks/ month since February. We depleted our reserve of supermarket vouchers, gifted to 200 people. This fundraiser will help with the emergency relief funding.

Bring me a Book
The need for instilling a love of reading has never been greater in Hong Kong as we deal with educational pressures from a prolonged period of virtual schools due to Covid-19, and our city’s continued low literacy rankings globally for motivation and interest to read. However, we have sustained a 40% reduction in revenue since this crisis and are seeking funds to cover our core library and award-winning training programs for low-income families in Hong Kong.

The Children’s Cancer Foundation
The Children’s Cancer Foundation established in 1989 aims to enhance the quality of life of child cancer patients and their families. We provide holistic and professional services for patients and their families including child life (formerly hospital play), family counselling, palliative home care, long-term follow-up, rehabilitation and half-way homes. Our two centres also provide financial, social and educational programmes supporting patients and their families in the community. We also provide sponsorship of new cancer drugs, diagnostic/clinical tests and research to help doctors improve survival rate of child cancer patients.

Changing Young Lives Foundation
Changing Young Lives Foundation is dedicated to rewriting the life stories of thousands of underprivileged children and marginalized youth in Hong Kong every year with 100% free education and self-empowerment programs, unleashing their potential to maximize their opportunities and inspiring them to live their life to the fullest.

Child Welfare Scheme
CWS envisions a safe and accessible pathway that leads Nepal’s disadvantaged children and young people from early childhood to sustainable livelihoods by focusing on providing the education, protection and vocational training with employment opportunities.
CWS works in partnership with the local government, NGOs and communities to promote local ownership and sustainability of the projects.

Children’s Heart Foundation
Children suffering from Congenital Heart Disease face lifelong medical treatment. Patients have to pay for equipment such as pacemakers which are not covered by the government. Unfortunately, there is no specific financial relief from the government to the CHD children to ensure their suitable treatments during the Coronavirus Outbreak. Please act now to support the CHD children and extend their lives!

Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired
The pandemic of COVID-19 results in class suspension of schools and a shortage of epidemic prevention supplies. Parents of students with visual impairment (VI) reported their difficulties in purchasing protective materials. Also, the general employment environment turns bad and the career prospects of our VI youths warrant our attention. Given the above, Ebenezer would keep on supporting VI youths and their families in terms of career development and epidemic prevention.

Renaissance Foundation
Renaissance Foundation is dedicated to nurturing upcoming generations of young creative talent and incubating new networks of cultural industries. Due to COVID-19, our flagship Summer Camp, Project Sparks new works seeding program as well as our annual fundraiser have been cancelled. We are fundraising to sponsor local young artists’ creations inspired by the pandemic.

Food Angel
In dire times of COVID-19, demand of food assistance and infection control items among the underprivileged community in Hong Kong continue to surge.
Food Angel is a food rescue and food assistance program and our beneficiaries include deprived elderly and underprivileged families.
We strive our best to support the underprivileged with free meals/food packs/meal coupons, as well as other essential supplies such as protective masks and hand sanitizers.
Support Food Angel and help share love and compassion with those in need under the pandemic!

Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong
For Habitat for Humanity, our local programmes help vulnerable families renovate and clean their homes have been suspended. This means that those who need it most may not receive the life-changing support they need.

Hands On Hong Kong
Since the crisis developed, HandsOn Hong Kong has been focused on supporting the most urgent needs of their 100+ nonprofit partners by securing thousands of basic food and hygiene necessities for their vulnerable service users and providing them with essential volunteer manpower. From ‘check-in phone calls’ and doorstep deliveries for isolated elderly, to computer refurbishment for children from low-income families—HandsOn volunteers are committed to being part of efforts to rebuild Hong Kong。

Heifer Hong Kong
This COVID-19 epidemic has not caused direct impact to our project families. Undoubtedly, the epidemic is causing economic loss for farmers. Some were unable to purchase supplies or due to their soaring prices, were forced to delay spring cultivation.
For others, their agricultural products were backlogged as a result of market closure. Livestock prime for the market missed sales opportunities and prices were affected. In particular, families who rely on members who are migrant workers to supplement their income got hit on both ends since they were unable to work during the lockdown and may have even lost their job.
Heifer Hong Kong will continue to do our utmost to assist our farmers to resume production and prevent them from sliding back into poverty.
We need your support even more so now during this critical period – to ensure that our project families can prevail over this crisis.

HER Fund
HER Fund is the only community women’s fund to advance equality by grant-making and capacity building in Hong Kong. COVID-19 has affect the well-being of carers (the majority are women). Most mothers and carers are only able to focus on taking care of kids, elderly or family members but not themselves. Many low-income women have lost their jobs and are unable to financially provide for their families. Our grassroots organization can’t reach or meet their community directly so the need for technology has increased such as laptops, software etc. And domestic violence is increasing as well.

Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation
In the time of a pandemic, visiting hospitals is a physically and mentally taxing task for breast cancer patients, whose immunity is often weakened by breast cancer treatments. In light of their concerns, the HKBCF has strived to sustain its services and stand with them in the fight against COVID-19.

Hong Kong Cancer Fund
Cancer did not stop because of COVID-19! There has never been a more critical time for cancer patients and their families. They face not only the stress and anxiety of cancer diagnosis and treatment but also the pressure of confinement and fear of virus infection. Our frontline services are more needed than ever during the pandemic. Receiving no funding from the government or the Community Chest, Hong Kong Cancer Fund needs urgent help from the community to sustain our FREE cancer care, which help our clients manage their physical, psychological and social challenges throughout their cancer journey.

Hong Kong Children In Need Foundation
Our extra-curricular programs (free-play, music & sports) in kindergartens and primary schools came to a halt because of school suspension. Our students are experiencing frustration and boredom from being homebound and isolated for months. We will be more than grateful to have funding for fun and engaging DIY STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) packs, which we will provide to our students during this challenging period.

Hong Kong Dog Rescue
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) has been rescuing abandoned dogs in Hong Kong since 2003. With 650 dogs under our care, the Covid-19 situation means much-needed fundraising events are cancelled with no other main source of income. Both of our Homing Centres are still open daily, but we are struggling with manpower now that people are staying at home.

Hong Kong Outward Bound
Help get young people outside! Outward Bound Hong Kong’s challenging outdoor adventures build confidence, leadership, cooperation and sense of wellbeing. But with school closures, outdoor programs have been cancelled, meaning students miss out on valuable opportunities to experience nature, create community, and connect with themselves. By supporting Outward Bound you are helping HK students discover and develop their potential!

Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation requires extra resources to provide remote and online services, and home visits to support persons with disabilities or chronic illnesses during the coronavirus pandemic. Our charity work has not stopped. In view most fundraising events are postponed, we urgently need generous and kind donors to support us!

ImpactHK provides the homeless in Hong Kong with friendship, food, shelter, education and jobs. Since the outbreak of Covid-19 we have seen an increase in homelessness and the number of people forced to sleep on the streets. All proceeds from this appeal will go to critical services such as providing meals and access to emergency shelter.

InspiringHK Sports Foundation
InspiringHK Sports Foundation is a local charity with a vision of developing better youths through sports. Our mission is to promote social mobility, gender equality, social inclusion and healthy lifestyle through sports. We carry out our mission through professional sports training, learning experience activities and public education. IHKSports has cancelled all our training programmes since the suspension of classes. To encourage students and parents to continue exercising, we have been uploading exercise clips to our online channels daily.

Justice Center Hong Kong
Justice Centre Hong Kong uses direct services and community-centred advocacy to support, defend, and protects those who are most vulnerable to violations of their rights. Refugees and asylum seekers are excluded from Hong Kong’s public health responses to-date, with the consequence being their needs and safety – from putting food on the table to accessing healthcare – overlooked during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Kely Support Group
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, youth across our city are not only struggling with the negative effects of isolation, but also worrying about their online-based schoolwork and the uncertain future. In response to a huge demand for youth’s mental health support, KELY has launched a set of digital resources “Living Online” for youth to thrive beyond this time.

Due to the COVID-19 global crisis, Kids4Kids has to follow the social distancing rule to ensure the safety of our students and find new and creative ways using technology to implement our programs that rely heavily on face-to-face interactions. We need funding support for these implementations to ensure students continue to receive the best services from us during this difficult time.

LAP Lifelong Animal Protection Charity Limited
LAP, Lifelong Animal Protection Charity Founded in 2015 by Shelia McClelland, LAP is a volunteer-based and no-kill organization exists to help animals in distress around Hong Kong and the charity will provide temporary shelter and medical care for rescued cats and dogs for the purpose of finding them suitable and permanent new homes.

Lok Sin Tong
As the novel coronavirus epidemic is raging throughout the world, Lok Sin Tong has launched “the Lok Sin Tong Health Protection Project” in February, cooperating with different organizations, corporates, donors and community stakeholders, sending personal protective equipment, for example masks, hand sanitizers to elderly, grass-roots families, ethnic minorities, chronic patients and underprivileged groups, providing timely assistance and stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Hong Kong to ride out current difficult times.

Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong is a charitable trust committed to advocating, facilitating and partnering in effective conservation on Asian wildlife. Amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, our foundation continues to actively investigate and handle cetacean stranding cases in Hong Kong to learn about the threats faced by cetacean in local waters. We hope you will show your support and protect wildlife together!

COVID-19 has placed the global health system under an unprecedented level of stress. Orbis in Peru, Vietnam and Bangladesh is now facing the continued challenges, condition like Retinopathy of Prematurity requires urgent medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss or blindness. Please support Orbis continues to deliver this critical eyecare through online training and tele-consultation services.

Oxfam Hong Kong
The outbreak of the COVID-19 has placed an exponentially greater burden on vulnerable. Oxfam Hong Kong has been working with our partners and people from low-income households to fight against COVID-19 since January. We have distributed 118,900 masks, 56,200 bottles of hand sanitizer, and 9,500 packs of hand sanitizing wipes to street cleaners, elderly people who live alone, the visually impaired, those with mental illness, low-income families and ethnic minorities. So far, we have reached over 21,100 people.

Social distancing” has become the new normal for many globally. But for the children and mothers at PathFinders, they faced isolation and crisis before COVID-19. Accustomed to being invisible and unable to access social welfare, healthcare, education and other fundamental rights, COVID-19 has compounded their vulnerability and social exclusion. They are undeniably amongst the most disadvantaged in Hong Kong.

Plan International
Plan International Hong Kong had provided 880 low-income families and their children with nearly 60,000 masks and antiviral supplies. Children in developing countries are facing more risks and Plan International is also committed to protecting their health through distributing hygiene and sanitation kits and organising awareness sessions.

Resolve Foundation
Resolve empowers community leaders from marginalized and underrepresented groups in Hong Kong through a Social Justice Fellowship Program. During Covid-19, our fellows need our support to promote diversity and inclusion in their communities more than ever. We seek to urgently provide our fellows with wellbeing training, and increase our communications of hope-based, uplifting digital content to our larger supporter community

Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House Charities Hong Kong provides a safe and clean environment to stay thus giving sick children and their families peace of mind. Due to the worldwide pandemic, several important fundraising events have been suspended. We would like to invite you to participate in the virtual marathon to provide sick children a warm “”home away from home””.

Run HK
RUN provides trauma rehabilitation through sport and education for the most vulnerable refugees, mainly women victims of sexual violence and their children. RUN has been offering emergency services since end of January 6, days out of 7, providing food when shelves were empty, PPE, and increased mental and medical support to its participants. Any financial support will help us to keep offering these emergency services

Sai Kung Stray Friends
Sai Kung Stray Friends is home to 110+ stray and abandoned dogs and provides a meals on wheels service to 25 dogs as well as capturing wounded dogs living wild and trumpeting their desex program. Their fundraising has ground to a halt but from this Crisis they found opportunity as their adult dogs are going out for Foster/Adoption.

Soap Cycling Hong Kong
Soap Cycling distributes free hygiene essentials, including soap, hand sanitizer, and masks. Our #SoaptoCope campaign has served 2800 frontline street cleaners in HK. We raise awareness that hand washing with soap is the best way to combat infectious diseases like COVID-19. With your support, we aim to serve 300 families with free soap, and distribute 1500 hygiene kits to vulnerable individuals every month.

The Boys’ Brigade Hong Kong
The Boys’ Brigade, Hong Kong strives to nurture children and teenagers aged 3 to 21. Through our Christian education and leadership training programmes, young people can build up a positive attitude and good character traits. The outbreak of Covid-19 has had a material impact on our service and training, over 400 trainings and activities have been cancelled, more than 30,000 beneficiaries are unable to access the services.

The Conservancy Association
Under the epidemic situation of COVID‐19, The Conservancy Association supported the society by distributing resources to the elderly and infirm and cleaning up trash in the country parks, ‘Suspending Classes without Suspending Learning’, conducting environmental education outdoors and on social media platform. In such a difficult time, with your support, we can persist!

The Hub
The Hub Hong Kong has been providing education, developmental, health and wellness programs to underprivileged children and their families in Sham Shui Po for 7 years. During the pandemic crisis, we continue to offer our support and have distributed over 10,000 masks and other much-needed resources to help ease their situation. As many disadvantaged kids are encountering difficulties with online home learning, your donation will enable us to continue our e-tutoring support platform to relief their daily learning challenges, as well their parents’ stress from not being able to help.

Viva is an international children s charity whose mission is to grow and equip locally-led networks working collectively towards the common vision of protecting and empowering vulnerable children to thrive in society.

At WildAid, we are currently working hard to develop two critical initiatives: permanently closing wildlife markets in Asia and ending urban bushmeat consumption in Africa.
In order to take these kinds of aggressive global steps, we must all actively work together to combine our strengths.
These initiatives will take time and a massive effort on our part, and to do this we need your help.
The fight to protect wildlife and prevent future zoonotic diseases will continue.

World Vision
To help the needy counter COVID-19, World Vision has been working in the world’s most vulnerable countries, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Mongolia, India, Kenya, etc., by promoting preventive measures among the people,
supporting health systems, providing health workers with protective equipment, and helping children made vulnerable by COVID-19. JOIN THE CHALLENGE! TOGETHER WE FIGHT THE VIRUS AS ONE WORLD!